Monday, December 1, 2014

Mark Sanders- Blog Post 4

Mark Sanders
Dec 1, 2014
Applied Calculus
Professor Little

Hello, my name is professor Sanders and I am going to explain the product and quotient rules for derivatives.

When you are trying to find the derivative of a function which involves variables being multiplied together or divided into each other, you cannot simply use the power rule. Using the power rule will mean that your answer will not be relative to the function. You can, however, find the derivative through using the product rule or the quotient rule.

Let’s start with the product rule:

To find the derivative of {F(x)*G(x)}, you must use the product rule.

The Product Rule

The product rule id used to find the derivative of a function where two or more variables are being multiplied together.

The product rule is:

F(x)’ * G(x) + F(x)* G(x)’= {F(x)*G(x)}’

In words, this can be explained as multiplying the derivative of the first variable times the second variable plus the first variable times the derivative of the second variable.


Find the derivative of the following function: F(x)= (3x^3)(5x^2)

Step One: Take the derivative of the first term and multiply it by the second term.

(3x^3)*d/dx= 9x^2


Step Two: Take the derivative of the second term and multiply it by the first term.

(5x^2)*d/dx= 10x


Step Three: Add the two answers together to get the derivative of F(x)=(3x^x)(5x^2). This is the final answer and is the derivative for the function.

(9x^2)(5x^2)+ (10x)(3x^3) = The derivative of F(x)=(3x^x)(5x^2).

The Quotient Rule

The quotient rule is used when you are trying to find the derivative of a function with a variable divided by another variable. The quotient rule is very similar to the product rule. There are, however, two major differences. For one, you don’t add, but rather subtract the results you get in the first two steps from above. You also divide by the dividing term squared.

The quotient rule:

{F(x)’ * G(x) - F(x) * G(x)’} / G(x)^2= {F(x)/G(x)}’

In words, you would multiply the derivative of the first term by the second term and then subtract this by the derivative of the second term times the first term. This all would then be divided the second term squared.


Find the derivative of the following function: F(x)= (10x)/(2x^2)

Step One: Find the derivative of the first term and multiply it by the second term.

(10x)d/dx= 10


Step Two: Find the derivative of the second term and multiply it by the first term.

(2x^2)d/dx= 4x


Step Three: Subtract the first answer from step one by the answer from step two.

(10)(2x^2) – (10x)(4x)

Step Four: Divide the answer from step three by the second derivative squared. This is the final answer and is the derivative of F(x)= (10x)/(2x^2).

{(10)(2x^2) – (10x)(4x)}/(2x^2)^2= The derivative of  F(x)= (10x)/(2x^2).


  1. Hi Mark I liked how you numbered the process because thats the way I teach myself things. I also like how you enforced the concepts with examples

  2. mark,

    lovely work explaining the derivative rules for products and quotients. other than a couple of typos, your calculations and explanations were good!

    professor little
