Thursday, August 28, 2014

  1. Yan Huang
  2. I prefer to be call Yanny Huang. It sounds like Jenny but with a Y.
  3. 65 inches 
  4. I'm 18 year old.
  5. I normally wake up at 9. 
  6. My favorite candy is gummy bears. 
  7. My favorite snack foods are any type of dried fruits. 
  8. my favorite musical is Beyonce. 
  9. I like to read or watch news and documentaries for fun. 
  10. Basic math, algebra 1, algebra 2, statistics, and probability. 
  11. I think I should be comfortable but not too comfortable. 
  12. Comfortable
  13. Calculus concepts: 
    1. Curve sketching: comfortable 
    2. instantaneous rate of change: C 
    3. Derivative: U
    4. Difference quotient: C
    5. Limits: C
    6. Continuity: U
    7. Chain rule: C
    8. Product and quotient rules for derivative: U
    9. finding local and global max and min: C
    10. Determining inflection points:C
    11. area under a curve: U 
    12. Anti- derivatives: U
    13. Integration: U
    14. Integration by parts: U
    15. Integration by substitution: U
  14. Pre- Cal
    1. Equations: C
    2. Factoring: C
    3. Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions: U
    4. Simplifying expressions: C
    5. Simplifying rational expressions (fractions and fractional polynomials): U
    6. Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions: U
    7. Operations involving whole number exponent expressions: U
    8. Finding common denominators: C
    9. Inequalities: U
    10. Functions: C
    11. Absolute value: C
    12. Linear functions: C
    13. Systems of equations: U
    14. Domain and range: C
    15. Inverse functions: U
    16. Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc): C
    17. Quadratic functions: U
    18. Completing the square: U
    19. Exponential functions: U
    20. Logarithmic functions: U
    21. Base e: U
    22. Graphing (trigonometric, quadratic, linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions): C
    23. Trigonometric concepts: U
  15. No 
  16. No
  17. Texting, facebook, wordpress, tumblr, and instagram 
  18. Texting and facebook 
  19. International Business
  20. I am required by my major to take this class. 
  21. Yes, my major also requires me to take Statistics 
  22. I hope I will be able to solve cal problems by the end of this semester. 
  23. I'm a slow learning in math and not very good at it either. 


  1. Yanny, nice to see your first blog post! We get up right around the same time (it's such a struggle for me)! WOah! Queen B, great choice! I wrote the same on my blog :) Didn't she just slayyyy her performance on the vmas this year? Looks like you have a good background in mathematical concepts but we will learn so much this semester with this course, which I am very happy about. How is international Business? Do you want to stay in D.C. after you graduate? There are many intl organizations around.

  2. Hey Yanny, it's great to see that your major is international business. I am a business major with a concentration on International Business too! Hopefully we get a chance to know each other in this class:)

  3. Hi Yanny,
    Gummy Bear is the best candy in the world. I love it too. I take this class because my major requires me to take it, I hope we can both survive after this semester. Good luck.
