Monday, November 10, 2014

Blog 3 - PaperAlpha - Wasim Ashshowwaf


(This is a hypothetical company)  PaperAlpha is a paper producing company that was founded in 1987. The company produces plain paper for multi-use. They target mostly corporations, schools, bookstores and wholesalers .

·      There total fixed cost=$50. This includes Supplies=$25 and operational costs=$25.
·      There Variable cost for producing one box of letter size paper is $10
·      They sell each box for 40$
·      The cost function is  c(q)=50+10q
·      Revenue function is r(q)=40q
·      Profit function is p(q)=r(q)-c(q) which is p(q)=(40q)-(50+10q)
·      Breakeven point is when q is around 2


·      The break even point means that cost equal revenue so after that point a profit will be made and before that point loss will occur.

·      The above grap is the profit function which shows that around after 2 the output value becomes positive on the same interval where the break even point was on the original function. This indicate the generation of profit after around the x value of 2. So after selling two boxes of paper. 

·       n=5 so that 5 units are produced on daily biases by PaperAlpha
·      The marginal cost to produce the 5th unit is $10
·      The average cost=Total Cost/Quantity so 100/5 which is $20

The above graph shows the slope of the marginal and the average cost. The r.o.c between 4 and 5 shows the slope of mc and ac when n=5

·      Answer 1: The marginal revenue is greater than the marginal cost, this is reflected by the fact the marginal revenue line is above the marginal cost line on the graph
·      Answer 2:The number of units daily sold were sold after the break even point, because the break even point was around when x= 2 and while the daily sold units were 5. Which means a profit is generated when they sell 5 unit per day
·      Answer 3: If the production increase by 1 unit PaperAlpha will still make money as the marginal cost will be less then the marginal benefit. So c(6)=50+10(6)=110 which is less than r(6)=40(6)=240 and they will make a profit of $130
·      Answer 4: At q=5 the mc cost is 20 which is more than the average cost of $10 which means an increase in production will increase the average cost
·      Answer 5: Decreasing the average cost is better for the company because it will help increase the make the marginal revenue curve above the cost curve, increasing profits.

Part 4

Based on the information of the company, PaperAlpha  looks like it’s on it its way to making profits for the next 5 years as long as there marginal cost stays below there marginal revenue. Economy is a scale, so the more they sell the more their average cost will decrease. Socially, in my opinion, they may face some challenges in the next 5 years since technology advancement may make electronic devices or the invention of the e-paper more accessible and sustainable than paper, which might put pressure on paper companies.     


  1. But will paper companies, especially PaperAlpha, still be able to stay afloat since people are pushing to be paperless? Granted, I think that paper will still be around even after electronics start to replace them. :" ) But awesome job! I also dig the logo.

  2. Wasim, nice Logo! Your analysis is very clear and you applied the concepts that we learned in class to the real world very well!

  3. Wasim, this is a great idea! Your idea is very clear and I think this is good for the earth. Good job!

  4. wasim,

    awesome post! it's a solid business idea. also, the logo is fun! i really like your thoughtful comment in your prospectus section about sustainability and the challenges that this company could face due to technological advancements. the only issues that i saw with the content is that your average cost graph should just have been of the "slope" of the average cost value starting from the origin. but other than that the rest of the calculations look good.

    professor little
