Wednesday, September 3, 2014

About me-Scott Allan

Scott Allan
September 2, 2014
Applied Calculus
Getting to know you Blog

11.     My full name is Scott Thomas Allan.
22.     I don’t have a nickname, Scott is fine.
33.     I am 74 inches tall.
44.     I am 18 years old.
55.     I usually will wake up at 9 AM everyday, but on the weekends it’s usually past Noon.
66.     My favorite candy is Milky Way.
77.     My favorite snack food is Ramen Noodles.
88.     My favorite band is Coldplay.
99.     I love going to the gym, listening to music, and playing video games as my hobbies.
110.  My mathematics background includes:
a.     AP statistics
b.     high school precalc
c.      AP Calculus
d.     Trigonometry/Probability
e.     Other basic math
111. I am comfortable solving word and math problems .
112.  I am comfortable with math computations and calculations.
113.  Topics:
114.  Curve sketching
a.    Instantaneous rate of change – (V)
b.    Derivatives (of constant, linear, polynomial, power, rational, exponential, trigonometric, logarithmic functions) – (C)
c.     Difference quotient—(V)
d.    Limits—(U)
e.    Continuity—(C)
f.      Chain rule (an application of composition of functions)— ( C )
g.     Product and quotient rules for derivatives—( V )
h.    Finding local and global maximums and minimums – ( C )
i.      Determining inflection points—( U )
j.      Area under a curve – ( V )
k.     Anti-derivatives – (V)
l.      Integration (of constant, linear, polynomial, power, rational, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic functions) – ( C )
m.   Integration by parts—( C )
n.    Integration by substitution—( C )

15. Equations
Factoring (V)
Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions (V)
Simplifying expressions (V)
Simplifying rational expressions (fractions and fractional polynomials) (V)
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions (V)
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions (V)
Finding common denominators  (V)
Inequalities (V)
Functions (V)
Absolute value (V)
Linear functions ( C )
Systems of equations (V)
Domain and range (V)
Inverse functions (V)
Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) (V)
Quadratic functions (V)
Completing the square (V)
Exponential functions (V)
Logarithmic functions (V)
Base e (V)
Graphing (trigonometric, quadratic, linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions) (V)
Trigonometric concepts (V)

115. I haven’t taken math 160
116. I have taken the high school equivalent of precalculus, and I did get a B or better.
117.  I am familiar with: texted, facebook, twitter, instagram.
118. I use twitter, texting, and instagram the most.
119. My major is Finance
220.  I am taking this class because it is necessary for my major.
221.  I will plan on taking classes that have to do with business, such as economics, finance, and accounting.
222. I hope to master calculus through this class.
223.  I am a pretty outgoing and fun loving guy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Scott,
    I also play video games when I can find time to and coldplay is a very solid band.
