Monday, September 1, 2014

Getting to know me - Wasim Ashshowwaf

1. Wasim Ashshowwaf
2. Wasim
3. About 66 inches
4. 23
5. 9am
6. Pistachio Chocolate
7. Crackers
8. Adele
9. I like to play piano, jog, swim, and read books.
10. I took Applied Pre-Calculus last semester 
11. U
12. U
Curve sketching (C)
Instantaneous rate of change (U)
Derivatives (of constant, linear, polynomial, power, rational, exponential, trigonometric,    logarithmic functions) (U)
Difference quotient (U)
Limits (U)
Continuity (U)
Chain rule (an application of composition of functions) (U)
Product and quotient rules for derivatives (U)
Finding local and global maximums and minimums(U)
Determining inflection points (U)
Area under a curve (E)
Anti-derivatives (E)
Integration (of constant, linear, polynomial, power, rational, trigonometric, exponential,                logarithmic functions) (E)
Integration by parts (E)
Integration by substitution (E)
Equations (C)
Factoring  (U)
Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions (C)
Simplifying expressions (C)
Simplifying rational expressions (fractions and fractional polynomials) (U)
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions (U)
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions (U)
Finding common denominators (D)
Inequalities (U)
Functions (C)
Absolute value (C)
Linear functions (C)
Systems of equations (C)
Domain and range (C)
Inverse functions (U)
Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) (C)
Quadratic functions (U)
Completing the square (E)
Exponential functions (C)
Logarithmic functions (C)
Base e (U)
Graphing (trigonometric, quadratic, linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions)Trigonometric concepts (U)
15. Yes, My grad was B-
16. N/A
17.Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogspot, Texting, Wordpress
18. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Texting
19. Business Administration (Marketing)
20. As a requirement for my major. It is also an interesting and useful class.
21. This will be my last math class. However, I will take statistics afterward. 
22. I hope to connect between the concept we learn and the real world. Also, to have the tools necessary in math. In order to successes academically and in my career. 
23. No, thank you.


  1. Hey Wasim, I was in your international Orientation group and I would like to get to know more about you this semester! Also I like Adele as well:)

  2. Wasim, you might need to teach me a little about marketing!
