Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Muneera Albahar - getting to know me

Muneera Albahar
Applied Calculus
Professor Little

1. Muneera Albahar
2. Not necessarily, Muneera is fine
3. 68 inches
4. 20 years old
5. Really late. Not a morning person.
6. I don't like candy. I'm more of a chocolate fan.
7. My fav snack is hummus and pita chips.
8. My favorite kind of music is Arabic music.
9. In my free time it like to chill with my friends.
10. College precal & stats
11. U
12. C
13.  Curve sketching (C)
Instantaneous rate of change (C)
Derivatives (of constant, linear, polynomial, power, rational, exponential, trigonometric, logarithmic functions) (U)
Difference quotient (U)
Limits (U)
Continuity (U)
Chain rule (an application of composition of functions) (U)
Product and quotient rules for derivatives (U)
Finding local and global maximums and minimums (C)
Determining inflection points (U)
Area under a curve(U)
Anti-derivatives (U)
Integration (of constant, linear, polynomial, power, rational, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic functions) (C)
Integration by parts (U)
Integration by substitution (U)

14. Equations (C)
Factoring (C)
Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions
Simplifying expressions (C)
Simplifying rational expressions (fractions and fractional polynomials) (C)
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions (C)
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions (C)
Finding common denominators (c)
Inequalities (c)
Functions (c)
Absolute value (c)
Linear functions (c)
Systems of equations(c)
Domain and range(c)
Inverse functions(c)
Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc)(c)
Quadratic functions(c)
Completing the square(c)
Exponential functions(c)
Logarithmic functions(c)
Base e(c)
Graphing (trigonometric, quadratic, linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions)
Trigonometric concepts(c)

16. Yes

17. Texting, tumblr, twitter
18. Instagram, what's app
19. International business 
20. Requirement for KSB
21. Only this class
22. Business mathematical concepts
23. Just that I may be a bit rusty because it's been a long time since I've taken a math class


  1. Hey Muneera!
    Hope that you will enjoy this class. I find it interesting that you like Arabic Music, I do too, coming from Jordan. I also love Hummus :)
    Good Luck

  2. Hi muneera,
    Hope that you'll find this class interesting, and i too am a kogod major.

  3. Hi muneera,
    I'm also not much of a morning person, and hummus with anything is great.
